Saturday, December 25, 2010

Wishing You A Merry Christmas

Hi Readers! How are you? Finally, it is here! Santa came and left presents for everyone. Isn't it nice to wake up, and see the children and how happy they are when seeing all of their new toys and presents.

MY PERSPECTIVE: On behalf of the whole "The Leadership Project" team, I want to wish you all A MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! I hope you all have a safe and enjoying Holiday today.

With You For Leadership,

Vashon L. Hill


The Leadership Project

"Today's Youth becoming tomorrow's Leaders"

IN Assoc. with TLP Publications


Sunday, December 19, 2010

Inspire Someone

By definition- to influence, move, or guide by divine or supernatural inspiration

We must become the change we want to see. - Ghandi

MY PERSPECTIVE: Today, Inspire someone to do the right thing. Do something positive, and they will follow you. Be a Leader, not a follower. Have a Great Monday!

With You For Leadership,

Vashon L. Hill



"Today's Youth Becoming Tomorrow's Leaders

In. Assoc. With TLP Publications


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Weather Girl Who Cried Wolf

Hi Readers!


WABC-TV/Channel 7- Weather Meteorologist Heidi Jones was arrested for lying about a false rape in Central Park.

Here's the story, On the afternoon of September 24th, Heidi told the Police that she was jogging and a Hispanic-Latino man in his mid 30's or 40's grabbed her from behind and pulled dragged her off the walking path behind bushes by a wooded area and attempted to rape her. She told police that her "rapist" was scared off by two-passers who came to rescue her. The cops were suspect about Jones' "story." The first clue to why they were suspect was why she waited until a day before Thanksgiving, November 24th; two months later to report the alledged attack. During which, Heidi told the police that he showed up to her apartment, three days earlier, November 21st and harassed her, saying "I know you went to the police!" After the meeting, Investigators and Detectives searched hard and long for witnesses and video. After they couldn't find anything, they went to talk to Heidi again and noticed some wet spots in her story. Heidi finally admitted that she had lied about the story and wanted some sympathy for her personal set-backs she was experiencing in her personal life; saying she felt "personal and professional pressures." She told her co-workers at Channel 7 in September and everyone was saddened by it. She even had Security Guards escorting her home, because she felt unsafe.

Heidi Jones, who anchor's the weekend evening weather reports and is a fill-in Meteorologist for Sam Champion on Good Morning America. She was charged with arrested Monday, the 13th of December; charged with filing a false report, which is a Class A Misdemeanor. If found guily, Heidi will be placed in jail for up to a year or a $1,000 fine.

MY PERSPECTIVE: I think Heidi should be held accountable, but to what extent? She would spend some time doing something and think about her actions. How about Community Service? Paying a fine? Her News Bio was taken down, but mysteriously reappeared at night. A poster of with her picture that hung in one of the WABC hallways, was taken down. I was very shocked when I found out that it was Heidi Jones, from Channel 7. Speechless! It has been said that she (Heidi) never really "gelled" with any of the other women at the station, you never knew where she would go with any story, she was sort of out for herself. If attention was what she wanted, she should have brought a puppy, went shopping, or went out with some friends. Co-workers of Heidi felt 'betrayed' by her lies. One staffer said, "We are all like a Family." A Source say, "she was deeply unhappy personally and professionally." "She's a really nice girl. There must be something deeper that we dont know about yet." said another source. It's very sad, I hope all works out for her. She still should serve some type of penalty as any other person would. For more information, please check out this video from FOX News I found on YOUTUBE.

COMING UP: Coming up here on "PASS" (Plainfield: A Student's Perspective.) More on Heidi Jones, New Year Eve Plans, and Staying Warm in this Bitter Cold.

Stay Warm
With You For Leadership,
Vashon L. Hill
"Today's Youth becoming tomorrow's Leaders"
The Leadership Project
IN Assoc. with TLP Publications

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Saying Goodbye

Hi Readers! I hope you all are staying warm out here in the Bitter Cold. Bundle UPP!

How are you? Wednesday, December 8th, 2010, I had my last lesson with the kindergarten students at Jefferson School. It was a very bitter sweet moment for all of us.

I attempted to make Gooey Goo for the students. Everything was going well, until I did not have enough White Glue. It was very disapointing to the students. They all gave me hugs and said, "Mr. Hill I will miss you very much!" That made my day, some of them even drew me pictures!

Taking this course has meant alot to me, I was able to get first hand experience working with kids MORE, being in a classroom with them, and actually teaching them. Do I want to go into Education? Only time will tell for now, however I do have a back up plan and I am prepared for the future. If I do go into teaching, I would definitely like to come back to Jefferson and teach. I also want to send a special THANK YOU to my Cooperating Teacher Antoinette Barracato. Even though she was away on Maternity Leave, I learned A LOT from her about classroom organization/management, scheduling and procedures, and discipline. Thank you Mrs. Barracato!

MY PERSPECTIVE: I am really considering Education. I definitely want to take this course again Senior Year. It's a very interesting course and you get to go deep into the Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and First Grade Curriculum.

COMING UP: Words of Inspiration, Staying Warm in This Cold Weather, and WABC-TV Weather Meteorologist Heidi Jones.

With You For Leadership,

Vashon L. Hill


"Today's Youth becoming tomorrow's Leaders"

In Assoc. with TLP Publications


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Old Practices? Can they help?

Hi Readers! Welcome to Plainfield: A Student's Perspective.

Do you think the Plainfield Public Schools should return to some of their old practices? Old courses that they have offered? Well I completely agree with you. To improve some of the students work and their performance, let's go back and revive those old practices and courses. How about Let's Read? Let's Read was a one on one program for First Grade struggling readers.

I remember being in Let's Read for a little while as a 1st Grader, where we had to test before being placed in Let's Read or remaining as an "advanced or regular reader." I wasn't in the program for long, but I remember that it helped me read better, I also remember the Let's Read Teacher's name at the time, Miss Horner. Small things like this can help us achieve in reading more for our students. I know the district still has Read 180, so maybe they should bring back Let's Read. I don't think it should be just for First Graders, but for 2nd and 3rd graders also. With referral from the classroom teacher, they (2nd and 3rd Grade teachers) can refer their student (s) to the Let's Read Teacher for one on one evaluations on reading.

MY PERSPECTIVE: It may seem simple, but it may just help. It will reflect for the positive on standardized tests, quizzes, and tests. Reading is important, let's bring back an old practice that will help students achieve and reach for success. Share with me what are some old Practices that you think the District should go back to. You can leave comments or email them to me. Have a Great Wednesday!

COMING UP: Old Practices, bringing them back for success.

With You For Leadership-

Vashon L. Hill


The Leadership Project

"Today's Youth becoming tomorrow's Leaders"

In Assoc. with TLP Publications


Friday, November 12, 2010

Updates, Updates, Updates

Hi Readers! School has kept me busy these past couple of days. How are all of you? At this time, I want to give my condolences to the Cadogan family. The 17-year old senior of Barack Obama Academy was shot dead last Thursday. He was well known by many.

I would also like to send some condolences to the family of "Duka." He was shot on Friday on West Third Street. He was well known also. We have got to make a change for the positive as a community. People talk about Plainfield and it's not positive. Let's change Plainfield back into what we want it to be, a peaceful place that we can call our own.

Ok, so I have been busy with my kindergartener's and planning with the Leadership Project. I am planning a good-bye party for them. I will be leaving the class after the semester is over. We will be making Gooey Goo. Gooey Goo is a fun Science Experiment for students in all grades. I am so sad to leave my little friends.

As a member of the Community "In" Schools Council, I will be attending our first event on Friday, November 19th at the Plainfield High School Cafeteria. This event is only INVITATION ONLY. I am sure we will have a positive outcome from this event. I am super excited and can't wait. The Leadership Project at Jefferson School Student Leaders will be assisting and helping with monitoring children.

MY PERSPECTIVE: I am really sad to be leaving my students. As I said before, as a community it is time for us to make a change for the better and the future of our Plainfield students. It's very heartbreaking for them to see the action of shootings or altercations when they are being dismissed from school. Let's prove those outsider's wrong and show them that Plainfield is not a bad place. Let's think positive and pray, pray, pray.

COMING UP: I haven't forgotten about your pictures. I will upload them soon!

With You for Leadership-

Vashon L. Hill


The Leadership Project

"Today's Youth becoming tomorrow's Leaders"

In Assoc. with TLP Publications


Monday, November 1, 2010

"Yes I Will"

Hello Readers!

Just wanted to let you all know that I will not be discussing Crisis Management Plans. This week I will be talking about other things. Tomorrow I will be teaching Social Studies to the Kindergarteners. We will be going over the history of Thanksgiving.

After that, I will do a follow up activity. It will be the "Tree of Thanks." The students will take a leaf, and write what they are thankful for. Sounds good? If you want to do this activity with your students. "Thanksgiving is for giving Thanks" by Margaret Sutherland is the best book to use for that activity. It is reccomended for grades Preschool-2nd grade.

MY PERSPECTIVE: Tomorrow I will try to get pictures of our class caterpillar and the "Tree of Thanks." Tomorrow is going to be busy. Enjoy your Tuesday! Stay warm, another update coming soon

COMING UP: I've got your PICTURES!! Smile!!

With You for Leadership-

Vashon L. Hill



"Today's Youth becoming tomorrow's Leaders"

In Assoc. with TLP Publications


Saturday, October 30, 2010

Just for You!

Hi Readers! How are all of you doing? Everything is going fine for me. I really need this weekend for some relaxation time. Tuesday I am back in the classroom teaching about Thanksgiving. We are going to make a "Tree of Thanks." Sounds like a good idea? I'll be happy to share my lesson plans with you.

From the whole Leadership Project team, HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Enjoy your weekend. Remember be safe, safe, safe. School resumes for student's Monday, November 1st.

COMING UP: Where do we go from here? More on the District, Preparing for my final lessons, and Crisis Management; being prepared for a disaster at school. What to do? How should I act? Where do I go if I am left in a hallway, nurse's office, cafeteria. All that and more on the next "A Student's Perspective."

With You for Leadership-

Vashon L. Hill


"Today's Youth becoming tomorrow's Leaders"
The Leadership Project

In Assoc. with TLP Publications


Friday, October 22, 2010

Just a Quick Update

Hi Readers!

The Leadership Project Executive Board is starting to plan it's Winter Events. So far in store, we have Parent's Night Out, and other things. I just don't want to put them out there yet, anyone can steal them.

How are all of you? My Student Teaching is going very well, today in my class we did The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. It went very well, I had them color little plates green to create his body. I colored a red plate to create his head, I took green and yellow construction paper to create his eyes. They really liked it, we haven't come up with a name for him or her yet they wanted names like Frosty, Jason, Betsy, and John Carlos. Those are some interesting names. We have to come up with one that we all agree on. They are all great kids and I love them all dearly.

COMING UP: More on our Leadership Events, pictures coming soon from my class projects and what we have done so far. Have a great weekened everyone. Send me an e-mail if you have any questions about TLP or events we will have.

With You for Leadership-

Vashon L. Hill


The Leadership Project

"Today's Youth becoming tomorrow's Leaders"

The Leadership Project

In Assoc. with TLP Publications

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Promoting Leadership

Hi Readers!

THE Leadership Project launched it's SchoolNotes page, yesterday October 14th, 2010. This page will be for the community to get information about upcoming events, meetings, and workshops.

To access it, go to

We will be having our October meeting very soon. The community is invited to attend.

MY PERSPECTIVE: I am happy that we finally launched our page. It will have ALOT more up on it soon.

COMING UP: More on the Leadership Project. Where can you get an application? Coming up next!

With You For Leadership.

Vashon L. Hill



"Today's Youth becoming tomorrow's Leaders"

The Leadership Project

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Recognizing the Leadership

Hi Readers! How are all of you? It's been busy for me these past couple of days. I took the PSAT on Wednesday and it was OKAY. The test made me very tired. Student Teaching is going very well, I love my class. The students are very advanced for their age.

October is National Principal's Month. Principal's are the key person or primary person in the school building who is giving out leadership to his or her staff. The Plainfield Public Schools, Consistent with with Goal 2: Human Resources of the 2008-2012 District Strategic Plan, having recognizing the Leadership of the different schools in the district. The Office of Public Information and Marketing will recognize each building school administrator. So far Evergreen School Principal Mr. Wilson Aponte, Plainfield High School
Principal Dr. Brian Bilal, Emerson School Principal Janet R. Grooms and Maxson Middle School Principal Dr. Anthony Jenkins. Each school principal will be recognized for two (2) days and then replaced with another Principal.

Principals still left to be regonized is-

  • Gwynetta Y. Joe (Hubbard)
  • Frank Asante (Cedarbrook)
  • BJ BrownJohnson (Clinton)
  • Scot R. Burkholder (Jefferson)
  • Angela Bento (PAAAS)
  • Mark A. Williams (Stillman)
  • Kwame W. Asante (Washington)
  • Aurora Hill (Barlow)
  • John A. Martucci (Cook)
  • Shirley Johnson-Tucker (Woodland)

MY PERSPECTIVE: I am sure that the Principal's are pleased with their assignments. I hope they enjoy their acknowledgements!

COMING UP: More on the District. Hopefully, pictures from my Students. Leadership Meeting coming soon.

With You for Leadership-

Vashon L. Hill



"Today's Youth becoming tomorrow's Leaders"

The Leadership Project

Monday, October 4, 2010

"Today's Youth, becoming tomorrow's Leaders"

Hi Readers! I have received a couple of questions asking me, What responsibilities do the Leadership Executive Board have?

The Executive Board consists of three (3) key people this year. The President, Vice President and Secretary.

The President (Vashon Lamont Hill)- As I hold the office of President, I have the following responsibilities. I oversee the meetings, workshops, and executive meetings. I meet with parents, staff, district officials, and administrators. I speak for the program, and work as the active voice of the program along with the Directors. Also working diligently with the directors, listening to the sub-committee's, and different Leadership Councils. I also send out notifications e-mails and special events, and finally keeping track of Members Service Hours and reports of behavior and social conduct.

The Vice President (Sameerah R. Jones)- Serves as the Assistant President. This person also is the Head of the Admissions Committee. She also is in charge of the Mentor Program for "New-Bie's" wanting to join TLP. She writes letter's, memos, and agendas to be approved by the President's Office.

The Secretary (Delmis Hernandez)- Serves as Assistant/Secretary to the President's Office, and Secretary to the program. She type's letter's, memos, and agendas to be approved by the President's Office.

Another question was asked on will we hold a Information Session about TLP. Well, it is in the works and is being planned as we speak. More information on it coming soon!

MY PERSPECTIVE: The Executive Board is very passionate about our responsibilities. We love working with the students at Jefferson and the Members of TLP. This is going to be a FANTASTIC and POSITIVE YEAR! More information on the Information Session coming soon!

COMING UP: Fall/Winter Events for TLP. Please check back soon!

I thank you all for reading! Enjoy your day!

With You for Leadership.

Vashon L. Hill
The Leadership Project

"Today's Youth becoming tomorrow's Leaders"

The Leadership Project


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I have something to say...

Hi Readers!

I wanted to share with you all why I decided to leave the Plainfield Public Schools. When I got promoted from 5th grade to 6th grade, I was pretty nervous going into Hubbard School. I remember hearing all of these terrible things that happen there and Plainfield High School. I remember going onto 7th and 8th grade with good grades and involving myself with positive people. Even though I never had the experience as a Plainfield High School student, I still know of the things that the school offer.

SO WHY DID YOU LEAVE EXACTLY? I left PPS because I felt that Plainfield High School's curriculum did NOT offer what I wanted to do for my own career. Since I left, the Board of Education has created PAAAS School which offers what I want to do. But, at the time I graduated in 2008 there was nothing that attracted me to Plainfield High School. I later found out about Union Catholic Regional High School. I read through their curriculum and I read through the classes they offer. I decided well if I want to be a newscaster or even a teacher, this is the school for me. They offer those classes and have a great background in preparing teachers and newscasters of the future.

WHAT IF? From what I hear, from a current student there that they DO NOT offer the courses that I wanted. If PHS had courses in Communications, Journalism and Future Teachers of Education classes then I would have went to PHS. I have nothing against the Plainfield Schools or anyone in the schools.

ADDRESSING THE POST: I want to address a post entitled "Let's step it up." When I posted this it was not as if I was looking down on the BOAACD and PHS Board Liaison Members. I was simply asking if it is possible to have another student serve on the Liaison team. I think its great for those students to be able to voice their opinions to the public. It may seem as if I am someone looking down on the Plainfield Schools or a student who "knows" everyone in the district and can use his connections. No, I dont know everyone in this distict. When I meet someone who is a teacher, student, district official or has some type of responsibility in the district; I make sure that I speak with them and get to know their character. I have met all types of people in the district teachers at Hubbard School, Maxson School, PHS, Clinton K-8, Jefferson, Evergreen, Barlow and Cedarbrook. Do not make me out to be the villian, I make suggestions that can lead to a positive change. Whether the District Officials run with those ideals or not is their decision not mines. No I am not or do I think I am smarter than everyone. It's a matter of how I feel and what I think, and that's that!

ADDRESSING THE QUESTION?: There was a question that someone asked me on how do I propose we create more leadership characteristics in PHS. Well, their are "The Leadership Project" members at Plainfield High School. I would hope since they are Student Leaders they would or should be withholding those characteristics throughout the school. As President, I am not able to oversee what they are doing obviously because we attend different schools. Any of the PHS students who would like to learn and develop leadership skills are more than welcome to come and learn more about us.

MY PERSPECTIVE: I am hopeful that things will be fine and PHS and the other schools will develop positive characteristics throughout their school. I just don't like when I am made out to be the vilian, when I am trying to do something to better us as a community. For more on the Leadership Project please send me an e-mail at I'd love to hear from you.

COMING UP: Some surprises and much more.

I'm Vashon

"Today's Youth becoming tomorrow's Leaders"

The Leadership Project


Busy, Busy, Busy

Hi Readers!

I'm still here. I have been super busy. I take two online classes, which COMPLETELY take up my time. I am going to try to start posting before I go to bed or right when I wake up. I start my day pretty early at 5:30am. If you are wondering what online classes I take they are, Virtual High School- Kindergarten Student Teaching and Topics in Education- Sciene Biology Lab Teacher's Assistant. I like taking the online classes, they are fun and I get to see how I work under pressure when things are due.

MY PERSPECTIVE: I will begin posting the night before or as soon as I wake up. It's still pretty hard getting back into the swing of things now that I am a junior and the pressure is on HIGH!

COMING UP: More on the district. What roles do "The Leadership Project" Executive have? All of that and more.

On the next "A Student's Perspective"

I'm Vashon

"Today's Youth becoming tomorrow's Leaders"

The Leadership Project


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Let's step it up..

Good Morning Readers!

Recently, I had the chance to go onto the district's website. Under the News & Notes for the week of September 20th, 2010, It reads....

  1. PPS hosts Back to School Nights

  2. Hubbard School celebrates President Obama's speech

  3. PPS Insider, Issue #4

  4. Dedication of Joe Black Baseball Field

  5. Board of Education Student Liaisons.

  6. Meeting with District Principals

Okay, So here's my concern. As a district and a community, we should be working on community involvement and togetherness. The board Members consist of people who have taught in the district, went through the school system as a student or had some type of role in the Plainfield Schools. There is a student Liaison team that consists of current Plainfield High School and Barack Obama Academy students, they are also seen to people as a "minature" or "kid" board of liaisons. Here's my question, "Can students in the community serve on the liaisons board?" The reason I bring concern to this is because, it's very important and their are "kids" or students in the district who want to bring awareness to things in the district also. They should be able to be sworn in along with the others. I understand that they are students in the schools, however there title is Board Liaison. "Why not have someone in the community sit on the bench?"

CALLING FOR IT: I think it's neccesary for another student or two (2) more students in the community who do NOT attend the schools to join the District Board Liaison. I think for the 2011-2012 school year; the Board of Education should announce or someone in the community should nominate someone (a student who does NOT attend PPS) to be sworn onto the Board Liaison. It is definitely something to think about and something that we should do as a community.

MY PERSPECTIVE: I think this is neccesary and the Board of Education will be seen differently. They (the community) should nominate or somehow ask another student to serve on the liaison team. It's definitely time for a change on that part. We will see what the future holds on that part.

COMING UP: Where are going now? Calling for action. Stay tuned.

All of that and more coming up on the next, A Student's Perspective

I'm Vashon

"Today's youth becoming tommorrow's Leaders"

The Leadership Project


Monday, September 20, 2010

"Leading with Dignity"

Hi Readers! Here are the 2010-2011 Student Leadership Members.

Vashon Lamont Hill

Vice President

Sameerah R. Jones


Delmis Hernandez

Director (s)

Shawn R. Colletta
James R. Malkmus


Liz Colocho

Nansi Hernandez

Jonathan D. Mercado

Erick S. Ojeda

Deisy Meza

Christian Ojeda

Thalia Mercado

Tamara Basantes

Joel Mercado

Jessica Basantes

Isabel Sanchez

MY PERSPECTIVE: I am happy with the new members for this year! I am ready for a good and positive year.

COMING UP: More on the district and upcoming events! Enjoy your day!

"Today's Youth becoming tomorrow's Leaders"

The Leadership Project


Friday, September 17, 2010

Acknowledging the Staff with Dignity

Readers....I'd like to give acknowledgement to the staff at Jefferson School. For their wonderful efforts and the back to school night which was completely fantastic. I saw alot of happy faces when they left their child's classroom. Let's give some tributes

Antoinette Barracato
Barbara Plummer
Yolanda Hughes
Melinda Sooby
Jennifer Jehle
Kristina Jerome
Bridget Molnar
C. Maria Rodriguez
Jami Jasper-Armstrong
Rosalyn Gallmon
Melissa Logan
Rosa Gonzalez
Isabella DeSantis
Pepper Stackhouse
Constance Brown-Anderson
Guillermo Pena
Maudeline Gayle-Roberts
Myke Washington
Gloria Middleton

Vincent Barracato
Ellen Zelnock
Maria Perez
Mark Shalaby
Olivia Torres

Janet Banks
Sang Lee
Shawn R. Colletta
Andrea Green
Nurse Marge Leonard
Denise Scala
Judy Safi
Yaneth Sierra

Anthony Tweedy
Frank Palermo

Scot Burkholder
R. Kay Christmas
Keith Coston
Edna Lawrence

MY PERSPECTIVE: Good JOB to the staff of Jefferson School. You all did a great job and you deserve to be commended. I am pleased and happy to do my internship along side wonderful people like you all.

COMING UP: More on the G. Bailey report. New details are coming. Stick around, your not gonna want to miss this!

That's it for "A Student's Perspective"

In Assoc. with I.C.A.U. Publications

"Today's Youth becoming tomorrow's Leaders"

The Leadership Project


Promising the Pics

Hey Readers! As promised, I have pics from Jefferson's Back to School Night. A big thank you to all the staff who participated in the pics. We had a great turn out of parents.

  • Principal S. Burkholder welcomes parents.

  • The Leadership Project's poster board.

  • 2nd Grade Teacher Jami Jasper-Armstrong discusses class books for the class library.

  • 2nd Grade Teacher Bridget Molnar prepares for the parents to come and vist.

  • ESL Coordinator Andrea Green and Constance Brown-Anderson, Read 180/Reading Plus Teacher review a student's homework.

  • 2nd Grade Teacher C. Maria Rodriguez discusses her class to the parents.

  • Read 180 Teacher Constance Brown-Anderson, reads a letter from Antoinette Barracato, Kindergarten teacher (who is away on maternity leave.) Picture 1: Constance Brown-Anderson stresses the importance of at home reviews of vocabulary.

  • 1st Grade Teacher Kristina Jerome speaks to the parents of her class about the importance of homework.

  • 4th Grade Teacher Isabella DeSantis reviews her class daily routines and rituals.

  • Kindergarten Teacher Barbara Plummer discusses with her student's parents, the daily plan for each day.

  • 3rd Grade Teacher Rosalyn Y. Gallmon shares with the parents that, this is "Your Child's classroom."

  • 1st Grade Bilingual Teacher Melinda Sooby speaks to a parent about what the students are reviewing in her class.

  • Staff being introduced to parents from left to right. Kindergarten Bilingual Teacher Yolanda Hughes, Vocal Music Teacher Sang Lee, 6th Grade/Mathematics Teacher Gloria Middleton, Health and Physical Ed. Teacher/Leadership Project Co-Coordinator Shawn R. Colletta, Read 180/Reading Plus Teacher Constance Brown-Anderson, 3rd Grade Teacher Rosalyn Y. Gallmon, Nurse Marge Leonard, 4th Grade Teacher Pepper Stackhouse, and Guidance Counselor Denise Scala. (The rest of the staff is on the other side of the presentation screen).

MY PERSPECTIVE: I had a very fun time at the Back to School Night. Good Job to all the staff, Shout out to Mr. Burkholder on his Leadership in this event.

COMING UP: Individual Acknowledgements to Jefferson Staff. More reports on the G. Bailey law suit.

That's it for "A Student's Perpective" I'm Vashon

In Assoc. with I.C.A.U. Publications

"Today's Youth becoming tomorrow's Leaders"

The Leadership Project


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Throwing in the towel...

Hey Readers!! I've got some interesting things to discuss today. I have been completely busy with school, and preparing my lessons to work with the kindergarteners. Jefferson's Back to School was awesome. Pics coming soon. Here's what's going on now....

Fomer Director of Human Resources Garnell V. Bailey, is throwing in the towel. In a Courier News front page report, Bailey has filed a lawsuit against her past employers, claiming that Superintendent of Schools Steve Gallon III instituted a hostile not so friendly work environment after she reported a sexual harassment report against him.

The report was filed August 30th in Superior Court. Bailey's law suit alleges an incident before the opening of the 2009-2010 School Year resulting in her resgination as Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Services. On August 27th, 2009 Bailey was informed by a district administrator that Gallon had been romanticly pursuing one of the district administrative secretaries, and this secretary felt that he (Gallon) was attempting to take a job "action" against her, because she refused his wants, says the report.

Looking deeper into the report, Bailey relayed this situation to a Board attorney, who then interviewed the secretary and then interviewed Gallon alone, then he again interviewed them together. The secretary came into Bailey's office after the interview and said she did NOT want to pursue the matter any futher.

Working conditions started to go down the drain when Gallon started to make working conditions a little bit too much to handle. During a district administrator's staff meeting, Gallon intended to publicly embarrass and humiliate Bailey, stated in the report. He started embarrasing her by stating "She is not doing her job, she's lacking." Claiming Gallon also locked her out of the Human Resources Department by changing the locks on doors and ultimately removing her from attending executive meetings, during which district personnel discussions.

REPORTING TO SOMEONE ELSE: By November 2009, Bailey was informed that human- resources staff who reported to her, now will be reporting to Gallon. Which would make them at a higher position than Bailey. A couple of weeks later, Bailey was gone as she looked for new employment due to the ruin of her reputation.

She is also suing board member Brenda L. Gilbert and former board member Christian Estevesz. Gilber could not be reached for comment, however Estevez said this, "Yeah. Whatever, I have free speech rights too." He claims Bailey is the reason for Gallon being tied to this personnel controversy.

MY PERSPECTIVE: I wonder what will happen with the case. I still think Gallon is responsible for this whole personnel controversy. He has to pay! As for Garnell Bailey, I am related to her through a side of my family; I won't say she is innocent, but she isn't guilty either. Dr. Gallon knew what he was doing from the beginning. As for the secretary, I totally believe he was pursuing her. That's my Perspective. Pics will be coming soon from Jefferson's Back to School Night.

COMING UP: Pics from Jefferson Schools's Back to School Night. Also, more on the new controversy. Your not gonna want to miss it.

That's it for "A Student's Perspective" I'm Vashon.

In Assoc. with I.C.A.U. Publications

"Today's Youth becoming tomorrow's Leaders"

The Leadership Project


Monday, September 6, 2010

Heading back to the classroom....

Hey Readers! My apologizes for not having pictures of the Leadership Members in action with the Jefferson School staff. We had some technical difficulties with one of the cameras. I promise I will have pics of our first meeting.

  • Washington Community School

Today was the first day of School. Students were ready and prepared for meeting their new teacher (s). I will be going to Jefferson School tomorrow and visiting the Kindergarten Classrooms.

TEACHING THE FUTURE: This school year, I will be doing Student Kindergarten Teaching at Jefferson School. I am excited to work with the new Kindergarteners at Jefferson. I am hoping that the kids will like me. I have A LOT of Lessons I have to prepare for.

MY PROSPECTIVE: I am excited about teaching Kindergarten this year. I have a lot of new ideals that are going to work out well.

COMING UP: Pictures on The Leadership Project's first meeting. New blogs on what's going on in the district.

That's it for "A Student's Prospective" I'm Vashon

In Assoc. with I.C.A.U. Publications

"Today's Youth becoming tomorrow's Leaders"

The Leadership Project


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

It's September....School is here!

Students it's time to start preparing, going to bed earlier, and your supplies for the school year. School for the Plainfield Public School's start September 7th. Professional Development Days for Staff are scheduled for September 2nd and September 3rd.

BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHTS: Back to School Nights are scheduled for September 15th (5 Elementary Schools), September 16th (5 Elementary Schools), September 22nd (Middle Schools), and September 23rd (High Schools)
  • September 15th: F.W. Cook, Cedarbrook, Stillman, Jefferson, and Washington
  • September 16th: Clinton, Woodland, Barlow, Emerson, Evergreen
  • September 22nd: F.J. Hubbard, Maxson, PAAAS
  • September 23rd: PHS and BOAACD
  • - All sessions stand at a time of 7:00pm-9:00pm

MY PROSPECTIVE: I hope all of the Back to School Nights go GREAT! I am excited because this year the Leadership Project will be assisting. Hope to see all the Jeff. parents

COMING UP: Coming up on, Plainfield: A Student's Prospective: For the Past, Present, Future: Pics from the First LP Event. Plus more developments on the Gallon, Kemp, Kelly controversy.

That's it for "A Student's Prospective" I'm Vashon

In Assoc. with I.C.A.U. Publications

"Today's Youth becoming tomorrow's Leaders"

The Leadership Project


Preparing as a Team

Hello Readers! Can ya believe it's September. I have to say I am some what excited to get back into the swing of things.

  • Pictured: Former Emerson Kindergarten Teacher Sandy Lopez-Donavan- now Woodland School, teaching her class about coloring.

GETTING PREPARED: As the first day of school approaches, the staff of Plainfield Public Schools will begin the year with two (2) Staff Professional Development Days (September 2nd and September 3rd). Teachers will be working collabratively with their colleagues and school administrators.

MY PROSPECTIVE: I hope this year's Professional Development Days come out positive. I hope the schools and administrators are working diligently as a team and comparing each other's ideals and inputs on the new year and the Curriculum. The Leadership Project will be working with the staff this coming Friday at Jefferson School. I am looking forward to planning and working with them all. We are super excited to begin the year positively. First day of School for Plainfield is September 7th.

COMING UP: Coming up on, Plainfield: A Student's Prospective: For the Past, Present, Future: I'll have pics from the Leadership Project's First Event of the year. Are we headed in the right direction for the new year?

That and more on the next, Plainfield: A Student's Prospective.

That's it for "A Student's Prospective" I'm Vashon

In Assoc. with I.C.A.U. Publications

"Todays Youth becoming tomorrow's Leaders"

The Leadership Project


Sunday, August 29, 2010

...."Oh really??"

Hello Readers!

Pushing forward after a terrible 2009-2010 school year, from media contreversy to conspiracy charges.

TAKING A LOOK BACK: Steve Gallon III and his two top administrators Lalelei Kelly (Coordinator of Strategic Planning) and Angela Kemp (Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services) were arrested on charges of false documents, theft by deception, and much more. Dr. Gallon provided South Plainfield schools officials false documentation indicating that Kemp, Kelly and their two children lived with him in his South Plainfield home on Brennan Court. In, 2009 of September the former administrators moved to Perth Amboy, BUT their children continued their education at the South Plainfield Schools from September 2nd until January 20th, when their parents took them out of District. All three (3) are due back in court September 13 for arraignment on charges to commit theft by deception of Educational Services.
The school Board's final decision of disciplinary action against Gallon was parented by the criminal case against him. There is alot more to the case that is happening now. As stated before the three are scheduled to be back in court mid-September for arraignment.
PUSHING ON: The Plainfield Public Schools are still pushing forward as it was a difficult 2009-2010 School year. A struggle that will be eased for the upcoming 2010-2011 School year. Students and staff are very excited to jump back into school and begin.
ARE THE ADMINISTRATOR'S POSITIONS FINALIZED?: Here's a question that has popped up in some people's minds, "Are the Administrator's positions for the 2010-2011 School year finalized?" We are slowly closing in on the Staff Development Days (September 2nd/3rd) and the First Day (September 7th). "Why hasn't the Positions been posted?" Let's get to it people, its time to get it finalized. The "Contact Us" page needs to be updated.
SHOUTOUT: I'd like to give a shout out to the Public Information Department and Webmasters who are reorganizing the School's Websites. I think they are very nice and are going to compliment the new school year.
MY PROSPECTIVE: A lot of new developments are coming to light. I will have more soon on the Opening of Schools, What new events "The Leadership Project" (Jefferson School Leadership Project) has in store, Pics from our September 3rd Event and Orientation Meeting. I will also be at Jefferson School's Staff Development Day to assist in preparing for the upcoming First Day and the School year.
COMING UP: Coming up on, Plainfield: A Student's Prospective: More on what's going on in the District. Where are we now? How are the transfers looking.
That and more on the next Plainfield: A Student's Prospective.
That's it for "A Student's Prospective" I'm Vashon.
In Assoc. with I.C.A.U. Publications
"Today's Youth becoming tomorrow's Leaders"
The Leadership Project

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Greetings Readers.

Today, I had meeting with TWO (2) Board of Education Members Renata A. Hernandez and Keisha Edwards, newly named Jefferson School Principal Scot R. Burkholder, LP Directors Shawn R. Colletta and James R. Malkmus.

We discussed the future of the Leadership Project, which was very positive. We did alot of collaboration as Mr. Burkholder takes the chair of Principal at Jefferson.

Of course we are still looking for new members. Please send an email to
In the subject line please write LP-New Member

My Prospective: It was a pleasure to meet Mr. Burkholder. I am very excited for the school year to come especially since we have an Administrator who is ready to support us. Let's see what the future will bring. I am sure it will be positive.

I'm Vashon and this is "A Student's Prospective"

"Today's Youth becoming tomorrow's Leaders"
The Leadership Project

I.C.A.U. Publications

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Barack Obama Academy- Getting a new Address

Plainfield's alternative High School will move to it's fourth home this school upcoming school year. The plan is set to save the district $600,000.

The School Board is expected to vote next week on a new plan to move Barack Obama Academy to the District's Administration Building 1200 Myrtle Avenue's lower level. Interim Superintendent Anna Belin-Pyles announced Wednesday during a meeting with parents of students who attend the school. As you may re-call the school's administrative staff (principal, principal's secretary, and office secretary) have been transfered to other schools in the district. This action started speculation and questions about whether the school will be closed and students will go back the Plainfield High School.

"There was never any intent to abolish (the academy) or abandon our children," Mrs. Belin-Pyles explained to parents, apologizing for the confusion of the school on Wednesday.

LOOKING BACK: This alternative school was founded in 2004, it's purpose was to help students who failed to find success at Plainfield's Primary High School, these Alpha classes were held at PHS until 2008, when the academy was converted into one of Plainfield's independent schools as recognized by the State Department of Education, was then renamed Plainfield Academy for Academic and Civic Development. The school spent it's 2008-2009 School Year on Jefferson Elementary School's grounds. Classes were held at 1700 West Front St.

RENAMING THE SCHOOL: A student-led movement resulted in the new name of the school, which is the current name of the school. It was renamed in 2009, the school was believed to be the first in the state and the second in the nation named after President Barack Obama. The school has an enrollment of 60 studentsin seventh through 12th grade, the 2009-2010 School year was spent at the historic Lincoln Building located on Berckman Street.

The academy will retain it's name. So, here's a question that we all may be asking? Space? Well staffing levels are expected to be reduced according to Belin-Pyles. Of course there will be a new School Administrator to take Johnson-Tucker's place; this person will be responsible for the day to day operations as well as the person will have other responsibilities. Who yet? No one is sure. Staffing cuts and re-assignments are planned to be taking effect soon to make space for the Students.

My Prospective: I'm not to sure about the move to the Administration Building. I hope it works out for the best though. I wonder what's going to happen to the the Lincoln School. Maybe the new Charter school of Plainfield could go there. The Barack Obama Green High School. That's pretty silly whoever made that call to move the Boys and Girls Club out of Plainfield. Then, worry about Plainfield's shootings. ACTIVITIES COULD HAVE BEEN HELD THERE, TO GET KIDS OFF THE STREETS. Hoping to see more from what will happen plus, still awaiting the announcement of the Administrator's Positions. It's time we change things up and bring some of those Department Officials out of the Administration building and throw them back into schools.

Still looking for new Members...Send an e-mail to In the subject line JSLP- New Member

I'm Vashon and this is "A Student's Prospective"

"Today's youth becoming tomorrow;s Leaders"
Jefferson School Leadership Project

In Association with I.C.A.U. Publications

Future is up in the air

Hey Readers.

The future of the Barack Obama Academy is up in the air. Formally, known as Plainfield Academy for Academic and Civic Development; was founded in 2008. The school's name replaced the old Alpha Academy as an alternative school for students who fail to be successful at Plainfield High School.

Former Principal Shirley Johnson-Tucker, right and former BOAACD History teacher and former Plainfield High School Vice Principal 12th Grade Dr. Sasha Slocum, far left, and Former Guidance Counselor-now Secretary V-PAAAS Ann Nettingham.

Principal Shirley Johnson-Tucker and several key staff members have been transfered to other schools (refer to Inside the Transfers-Part 1 and the BOE Business Agenda for July 20th.) Interim Superintendent Anna Belin-Pyles did not return a phone call seeking comment Monday, and School BOE President Lisa C. Logan-Leach said, "At no time did she (Anna Belin-Pyles) say that the school would be closing, But she also made it clear that if there was any merge or change, there would be dialogue with the students and parents."

Coordinator of Public Information and Spokesman Eric Jones said that dialogue was scheduled for August 4th at Plainfield High School; at the meeting the location and direction of the school was discussed.

LET'S BREAK IT DOWN: Apparently the school's future is up in the air. Will there be a future BOAACD? We will have to see more in the future.

My Prospective: If the school is shut down, I'm sure there is a reason for it. Maybe it will save the District more money? I have more on What the future holds for BOAACD.

I'm Vashon and this is "A Student's Prospective"

"Today's Youth becoming tomorrow's Leaders"
Jefferson School Leadership Project

In Association with I.C.A.U. Publications

Sunday, August 8, 2010

"Leading with a Purpose"

Hey Readers!

On Thursday (8/5), I had a Leadership Planning Meeting at the Leadership Offices. It was great to start planning for the school year. The Executive Board planned A LOT of new and fun Leadership Oppurtunities that will start in September. The Leadership Project is good for College Service Hours, High School Service Hours, developing leader and social skills.

We are still looking for new members, who meet the Six Pillars of Character Citizenship, Responsibility, Caring, Trustworthiness, Respect and Fairness.

Students wishing to apply please send an e-mail to .

In the subject line please write, "JSLP- Student Leader"

My Prospective: I am very excited for the school year! I hope that we get A LOT of new participants this year. Being a Student Leader is great because you are inspiring so many others to "Lead with a Purpose." Please come and join us in our new endeavors as we approach the 2010-2011 School Year.
I'm Vashon and this is "A Student's Prospective"
Jefferson School Leadership Project
"Today's Youth becoming tomorrow's Leaders"

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Inside the Transfers: Part 2

Hey Readers! Ok, As I said in my last post, Part 1 to this. I have a proper proposal for the CSA to take into consideration. Here's my proposal for the 2010-2011 Administrator's Assignments.

  • BJ BrownJohnson- Principal

Cedarbrook K-8

  • Frank Asante- Principal

Clinton K-8

  • Yvonne Breauxsaus- Principal

Cook K-8

  • John A. Martucci- Principal


  • Janet R. Grooms- Principal


  • Wilson Aponte- Principal


  • Gwynetta Y. Joe- Principal


  • Mark Williams- Principal


  • Kwame W. Asante- Principal


  • Shirley Johnson-Tucker- Principal


  • Wilson Martinez- Principal
  • Scot Burkholder- Vice Principal
  • Rosa Salinas- Vice Principal


  • Anthony Jenkins- Principal
  • Kevin Stansbury- Vice Principal
  • Aurora Hill- Vice Principal


  • Angela Bento- Principal

Plainfield High School

  • Brian Bilal- Principal
  • Dion Roach- Academics
  • Deitria Smith- Class Administrator
  • Deborah Celestand- Guidance Services
  • Daniel Cone- Student Activities/Athletics


  • What ever the future holds for that building.

My Prospective: I think the Interim Superintendent Anna Belin-Pyles, should take this into consider if she likes it. It just seems better. I dont think Evergreen and Washington need a Vice Principal; Rosa Salinas should be transfered to Hubbard and Scot Burkholder. This way everyone has a position that is secure. Instead of the Board and Human Resources Department hiring for another Building Principal or Vice Principal. Tell me what you think.

I'm Vashon and this is "A Student's Prospective"

"Today's Youth becoming tomorrow's Leaders"

Jefferson School Leadership Project

Friday, July 23, 2010

Inside the Transfers

Hey Readers....The summer is going by so FAST.

Questions are starting to spiral about the Plainfield's new school, Barack Obama for Academic and Civic Development (BOAACD). Questions such as, "Will the school be closing?", Why has the Principal and Main Office staff been trasfered."

As we all know district personnel transfers always happen. If you looked on the Board of Education Business Meeting's Agenda for July 20th, 2010; the CSA and her offices have started to make Personnel assignments for the 2010-2011 School Year. If you look under Item (B) on page 5, it says the following in bold Transfers/Reassignments; "RESOLVED, that the Plainfield Board of Education approves the following transfer/reassignment for the 2010-2011 school year." Scroll down to page 7, there you will see Shirley Johnson-Tucker from Principal-BOAACD to Principal-Woodland School. Shirley Johnson-Tucker is the school's first Adminstrator since the opening of the school. Take a look under her name Connie Jenkins-Buwa, Attendance Secretary has been transfered, from Secretary-BOAACD to Secretary-PHS Guidance. Scroll down to page 8, Ann Nettingham, Guidance Counselor, has been transfered from Guidance Counselor-BOAACD to Secretary V-PAAAS. Scroll down to page 9, there you will find Flora Shaw, Principal's Secretary has been transfered, from Secretary V-BOAACD (which means Principals Secretary) to Secretary V-Special Services.

SO why the questions?: People are asking these questions because, people are automatically assuming the school will shut down. Who could have reveal this to the Plainfield Community? Was it someone on the Board? All of these questions and more are being asked. So why is the school's first Administrator being transfered? So, far from the 2009-2010 school year she has done a GREAT job as the Administrator. Hopefully we can see more in the days to come and the "rumor" can be addressed by the right officials.

Another thing: On, page 10 Kevin Stansbury, Vice Principal; has been transfered from Vice Principal-Maxson School to Vice Principal-Maxson/Hubbard Schools. Okay, here's my concern; Why is he being assigned to TWO schools? That makes no since to me. The CSA should keep him at Maxson and bring down or promote one of the other District Personnel's. Hubbard Middle School former Vice Principal, Scott Burkholder has been transfered also; he is now the Vice Principal of Evergreen School. Former Vice Principal of Cedarbrook K-8 Center, Rosa Salinas has been transfered to Washington Community School Vice Principal. Since, when does an Elementary School need a VP? Middle Schools have always had 3 School Administrators. If Rosa Salinas was being transfered. Why not place her at Hubbard Middle School due to the vacancy from Scot Burkholder? So, the Administration Staff at Hubbard and Maxson are as follows:


  • Principal: Gwynetta Y. Joe
  • Vice Principal: Wilson A. Martinez
  • Vice Principal: Kevin Stansbury


  • Principal: Anthony Jenkins
  • Vice Principal: Aurora J. Hill
  • Vice Principal: Kevin Stansbury

My Prospective: BoldI think changes should be made to that transfer involving Kevin Stansbury. Maybe, current Vice Principal of Educational Services Yvonne Breauxsaus, who has filled in for BOAACD Former Principal Shirley Johnson-Tucker should be placed back into a school. I will have more soon on a Part two to this post.


I'm Vashon and this is Italic"A Student's Prospective"

"Today's Youth becoming tomorrow's Leaders"

Jefferson School Leadership Project

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

'The Big C"


On Monday, I had my first day of real work as an actor. I had to be in Connecticut and on the set of the Showtime series "The Big C." I had the oppurtunity to see and watch as the magic happens with the stars. I arrived to the set at 5:30am and walked in being greeted by the producers, directors, and assistants. I was approached by wardrobe to have my clothes picked out and ready for pictures. My Mom and I walked onto the set from the holding center and saw where the show primarily takes place; Cathy's house. The house is absolutely nice. It looks very real to a house, street and landscape. The school that is shown as another key place. The school is right down the hall from Cathy's house. Look's like a REAL school; even though there is only 3 classrooms and one hallway. As we are walking back to the holding center and seated at our table; in walks Gabourey Sidibe. I was shocked because she walked in unexpectedly. My Mom was the first and only to say Hello to her; I think we were all just stunned to see walk in. Her reply, with a big smile "Hey, How are you."

I play Andrea's brother, even though I have no lines. So, I am basically known as a "silent" character in the storyline. I have two other brothers and 3 sisters; making a total of SIX children including myself. My "family house" is about 6 blocks away from the set. My "siblings" and I walk to the set and sit at the dining room table. The directors were planning how they would plan "Cathy's visit to our home." Guess who walks in right behind the Directors, listening attentively, Actor Laura Linney. She greeted us with a BIG smile and a two hand wave to us. It was absolutely great.

My Prospective: I had a great time on the set. I am also currently being considered for a new movie. That's absolutely GREAT. My work load has been heavy especially with the Leadership Project revamp. If, you know any Middle School or High School students wanting to join this program or a program seeking College help. Leave me comment with your e-mail. I'd love to hear from ya.

Have a great day.

I'm Vashon and this is "A Student's Prospective"

"Today's Youth becoming tomorrow's Leaders"
Jefferson School Leadership Project

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Gotta take a second to Pinch MYSELF!


So, I just got out of my meeting with Mrs. Renata A. Hernandez and Mrs. Keisha Edwards, two BOE Members. I have got to say, they are two VERY nice and SUPPORTIVE woman.

Sameerah R. Jones, JSLP Co-Vice President and I went to the Board Offices to meet with them to talk about our great program. The JSLP Executive Board and I got ALOT of work to do. We are going to present our program to the Board and the Public at the Business Meeting. We are going to be moving onto BIG things here in the Plainfield Public Schools.

My Prospective: I am JUST so happy. We are FINALLY recieving some type of support from the Board. What do you think?

I'm Vashon and this is "A Student's Prospective"

"Today's Youth becoming tomorrow's Leaders"
Jefferson School Leadership Project

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Maybe a New Beginning?

Hello Everyone.

Yesterday, I had a great email exchanges with Mrs. Renata A. Hernandez, a Plainfield Board Member. I want to thank her for taking the time to discuss and coloborate briefly with her on some ideals I have for the 2010-2011 school year, and for JSLP.

I am looking forward to meeting with Mrs. Renata A. Hernandez soon to discuss and coloborate on ideals for Jefferson and the whole school district. Ideals such as making the Leadership Project district wide, more open discussions with the Board Members and the top officials, and MUCH, MUCH more. I am VERY excited.

My Prospective: So, far its a great summer. I'll have more on my meeting soon with Mrs. Renata A. Hernandez. Also comment if you have any questions you would like me to ask her.

I'm Vashon and this is, "A Student's Prospective"

"Today's Youth becoming tomorrow's Leader's"
Jefferson School Leadership Project

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Interim Superintendent

Greetings Readers! I hope all of your summer's are going WELL!

The Plainfield Board of Education approved the promotion of Director of Student Intervention and Family Support Services, to Interim Superintendent of Schools.

Anna Belin-Pyles has been an educator for 20+ years in Plainfield. She has an outstanding list of achievements in the Plainfield School System. The students, staff and parents are hoping for the best with the new Schools Administrator. Hopefully, she brings alot to the table than the last "person" we had.

My Prospective: I'm sure Mrs. Belin-Pyles will do a GREAT job as Superintendent. I am hoping to work with her and the Board Members about working to bring Jefferson School Leadership Project to new heights. I hope she brings and does alot for the future of the Plainfield Students.

I'm Vashon and this is..."A Student's Prospective"

"Today's Youth becoming Tomorrow's Leaders"
Jefferson School Leadership Project

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Gallon Suspended!

Dr. Steve Gallon, Superintendent of the Plainfield Public Schools has been SUSPENDED.

Dr. Gallon, Assistant Superintendent of Education Services Angela Kemp, and recently terminated Lalelei Kelly were arrested Tuesday. All three were charged with stealing more than $10,000 in Educational Services from neighboring South Plainfield by providing false documents to send a pair of Perth Amboy children to school there. Gallon, was charged with conspring to commit theft by deception, theft by deception as an accomplice and false swearing; Kemp and Kelly were charged with uttering false documents, theft by deception, conspiracy to commit theft by deception and false swearing.

This isn't the first time we have seen Gallon and his gal pals in the media. Gallon, hiring unqualified friends to work in six-figure high qualitfied jobs. Kemp, found guilty of harrasment to Dr. Philip Williamson, Bilingual/ESL Vice Principal in 2009 during an Administrator's staff meeting. Kemp was ordered on March 23 to forfeit her public office immediately. Kelly, unqualified administrator who has been on WNYW Fox 5's Shame segment 3 times.

My Prospective: I think the BOE did a good job, taking action against Gallon. However, Govenor Chris Christie has said, "He wants him to be punished more, for his actions." Since, Dr. Gallon is suspended the BOE has to appoint an Interim Superintendent. Who will it be? Someone from in District? We will see.

I'm Vashon and that's, "A Student's Prospective."

"Today's Youth becoming, Tomorrow's Leader's"
Jefferson School Leadership Project


Welcome BACK!! Can, you believe it's May. I am READY!!!!!!!!!! for the Summer.

I would like to give a Congratulations to Mrs. Lisa C. Logan-Leach. On, May 4th, at the Re-Organization Meeting, she was voted in as President of the Plainfield Board of Education. Mrs. Logan-Leach has been an active Member of the BOE for several years now, and she is EXACTLY what Plainfield needs at this time.
My Prospective: I am VERY excited, to see Mrs. Logan-Leach as President. I think the staff, students, and stalkholders of PPS will benefit a great deal from her Presidency. So, I say CONGRATULATIONS to you, and I hope to see more as the 2010-2011 School year comes.
I'm Vashon and that's, "A Student's Prospective."
"Today's Youth becoming Tomorrow's Leader's"
Jefferson School Leadership Project

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Administrators are reportedly fired

Hello. Welcome Back! Spring has sprung, and there's ALOT that has sprung in Plainfield. Let's Get to it!

The two high-ranking Plainfield Schools administrators, that there was controversy about, have been terminated late Tuesday.
Lesly V. Borge, Coordinator of Special Projects and District Affairs and Lalelei Kelly, Coordinator of Distirct Strategic Planning and Accountability. Were terminated Tuesday night. Union County Superintendent Carmen Centuolo in October 2009 asked the Board to rescind the contracts of Borge and Kelly, citing that they both had lack of New Jersey certification. In November the board voted to do so, but to also rehire both to slightly different titles with salaries of a little more than $100,000 each. Both women, both were full-time teachers in the same Miami school system- all, including Gallon and former Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services Angela Kemp. Also, prior to receiving their new and most recent positions had annual salaries that combined to alittle under $240,000.

The State Department of Education recently released an 11-page investigative report on the controversy - in this report it revealed that the pair continued to hold positions that never received required approval from Union County Superintendent Carmen Centuolo, that they initially beat out 50 other candidates for the positions; including many who were already employed within the district and obtained required certification.

On Tuesday the Board retreated into closed session at 10pm Tuesday, a couple of minutes after a retired school official suffered a medical emergency, this person was removed from the Auditorium of the Board Offices, as of Wednesday her condition is unknown. When the Board returned about an later it was announced that two names would be added to calling the termination of District employees. The Board voted unanimously to approve the terminations, the board also voted 6-3 to approve Steve Gallon III, Superintendent of Schools corrective action plan that was created in response to the state report, with Lisa C. Logan-Leach, Wilma Campbell, and Sandra Chambers dissenting. Gallon, rushed from the auditorium immediately after the meeting, refusing to answer questions from media members before hurrying to the top floor of the Administrative Building, he also hasn't answered phone calls or an email seeking comments. Board Members also declined to discuss the terminations on the record. No one answered the phone at Kelly's or Borge's district office extensions Wednesday morning. Questions also continued to be asked about Assistant Superintendent Angela G. Kemp. Kemp last month was ordered to forfeit her position after being convicted of harassment in 2009, involving another District administrator. Questions about whether she remains on the district payroll have been met by silence.

My Prospective: I think the board finally did the right thing. I will have more in the next few days on Angela Kemp.

I'm Vashon and that's, "A Student's Prospective."

"Today's Youth becoming tomorrow's Leaders"
Jefferson School Leadership Project

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Shame, Shame, Shame?

Hello. Welcome Back! I hope you all are enjoying the Month of February.

The Plainfield Public Schools were featured on WNYW Fox 5's Shame, Shame, Shame segment. Investigative Reporter Arnold Diaz, made a surprise visit to the Board Of Education Administration Building [1200 Myrtle Avenue] to cover an contiuning controversy regarding Plainfield Public Schools staff. This controversy was first reported last year when it came to light that two high ranking district administrators, Lesly Borge, Coordinator of Special Projects and District Affairs and Lalelei Kelly, Coordinator of Strategic Planning. These two woman have lack of New Jersey Certification and do not meet the requirements to be in there department.

WE WANT ANSWERS!: The residents of Plainfield want answers. Why are these two woman making 6 figure saleries and DO NOT have the right qualifications to be in their position? These are all questions from furious residents. As, Arnold Diaz pointed out- Union County Superintendent advised Dr. Steve Gallon III to place Borge and Kelly in teaching positions due to lack of Certification. But Gallon, rewrote the qualifications and gave the two woman different titles, they both now report to Gallon.

My Prospective: Remove these woman from their positions and place them both in teaching positions. As, Board Member Lisa Logan-Leach stated, "We cannot afford to have unqualified administrators in high paying jobs." What ever happened to hiring and promoting within? This would make things alot smoother and alot different. Due to this, Students are leaving Plainfield for Private and Charter schools. Parents, put their trust into the Board of Education and the Top-Administrators, they have failed to comply with the parents and their trust.

I'm Vashon and thats, "A Students Prospective"
  • You can attend Business Meeting on February 16th at the Administration Building [1200 Myrtle Ave.]
  • Let your VOICES be heard.

"Today's Youth becoming tomorrow's Leaders"

Jefferson School Leadership Project